Namibian Plants

After the Sahara desert, Namibia is the second driest area in Africa.  The landscape consists of arid desert and mountains.  In this area you will find the most extraordinary plants.  As far as the vegetation goes it can be divided into four distinct zones.  In these zones you will find over 4000 seed bearing vascular plants, 100 varieties of lichen, 200 endemic plant species and 120 different tree species.

The oldest and most interesting plant in the world is found in Namibia.  The Welwitschia Mirabilis was described by Charles Darwin as The Platypus of the Plant Kingdom and is considered a living fossil.  This is truly a one of its kind plant.  Although it does not look like it, this plant consists of only two leaves that grow on opposite sides of the stem and continue to grow, the sun making it appear brown and the wind ripping it till it eventually appears to have many leaves.  The stem grows thicker rather than longer and only when the plant is about 20 years old does it produce a flower.  The flower is cone like and the female plant produces up to 100 flowers in a season while the male produces a lot of pollen.  These plants have a lifespan of up to 2000 years.

When driving in Namibia the Plant that is known as a “Halfmens” (Halfman) can often be mistaken for a man.  This is a spiny cactus like plant and often grows to a height of 4 meters.  These plants are often mistaken for a tree that has a bottle like appearance.  At the very top of the plant it has crinkled leaves that are velvety to the touch.  During the months of July through to September they produce flowers that are red on the inside and yellow-green on the outside.  The Halfmens is found in dry rocky areas and can live up to 100 years.

The Baobab is a tree that you will never forget. The tree is leafless for most of the year and is often called the upside down tree because its branches look like roots sticking out of the ground.  The baobab has such a large stem that if hollowed out you can easily make a room on the inside.  It is the most amazing tree on the planet as it provides food, water, shelter and medicine for both humans and animals.    The fruit is known as monkey bread and has a hard woody outer shell with a dry powder inside.  The powder when mixed with water makes a refreshing drink that is rich in vitamin c and tastes like lemonade.  This drink is also used to treat fever.  The tree stores hundreds of litres of water which it uses during the dry season.  Baobabs can reach ages of up to 2000 years and mature trees often have a hollow trunk that provides a living space tor humans and animals alike.  Some of the trunks can measure 15 meters in diameter.  The tree has no growth rings and so their age is established by radio carbon dating.


Keen on exploring Namibia? Our Namibia tours offer guests a unique look at this ancient desert country and you can book your trip online today.